Security in the Residence Halls and Villages
The Residence Life Staff are available and on call in residential areas to address emergency situations. During evening hours, resident assistants routinely do rounds inside the residence halls. They are an important resource and are here to assist students with any concerns or problems. Contact information is posted near staff offices in the lobbies of residence halls and on our Office Staff contacts page.
The Office of Public Safety is available for emergency situations and assistance.
Uniformed security officers are on duty on campus 24 hours each day. During evening hours, uniformed officers or student security guards patrol outside the residence halls. As part of their routine patrols, the Office of Public Safety personnel patrol areas around the houses, duplexes and apartment buildings that make up the University Villages.
Contact the Office of Public Safety at these numbers in case of emergency:
- From a campus phone: 6911
- From a Village phone: 9-471-6911
- From a cell phone or off campus: 812-471-6911
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Student Life Center, Second Floor, Ridgway University Center